personal May 3, 2021 Ableist Against Myself I have been chronically ill for 12 years. Even though I've cohabitated with my body… Jess Ingrassellino Love0
creative writingpersonal April 25, 2021 Reading the world, slowly Back in 2015, I had my final inpatient mental hospitalization. That May, I'd experienced the… Jess Ingrassellino Love0
creative writingpoetry August 24, 2020 The Gate (Nooner) This poem is after a close reading of the poem The Storm (Bear), by Mary… Jess Ingrassellino Love0
Uncategorized August 19, 2020 Coping Ahead: What to do when you feel like you can’t do anything This post is about my personal experience with physical health problems, and does not necessarily… Jess Ingrassellino Love0
craftpersonaltechnical August 3, 2020 Sewing (or, How I Refactor My Clothes) In this week's study, I write about the process of making clothing alterations, or "refactoring… Jess Ingrassellino Love0
creative writingeducationpoetry July 27, 2020 Beauty in the Process This week, I experienced starting a lot of different types of learning. I am working… Jess Ingrassellino Love0
creative writingpoetry July 19, 2020 How To Leave Home I have chosen to model this poem after the poem Facts by Philip Levine (in… Jess Ingrassellino Love0
creative writingessay July 13, 2020 On Solitude I have chosen to model this essay after 'On Noise' by Seneca. The essay attempts… Jess Ingrassellino Love0
educationtechnical February 12, 2018 Communities of Practice Anyone who really knows me knows that I am wary of communities of practice. My… Jess Ingrassellino 0 Love0
technical March 16, 2017 Books that Inspire Testers – Part 1 As you've noticed, I've been tweeting a lot to get your suggestions for books that… Jess Ingrassellino 0 Love0